An extensive repository of Speaker Materials and Group Member Case Studies...
...gathered over 25 years of firsthand experience
More than 180 subject-expert Speakers on a wide range of business, health, and life-planning topics.
Local "case study" examples of what has worked and what has not worked for more than 100 Group Members and their companies.
The longest established peer learning group in our area...
...with an unbroken record of continuous meetings since June 1998.
Current Group Members are leaders / owners in a wide variety of businesses/industries:
Building products hardware manufacturing.
Skilled nursing and rehab facility.
Financial planning and investment management.
Large, privately held dental practice.
Valued-added reseller of software and computer hardware systems for medical and engineering applications.
Special purpose bus design, manufacturing, and marketing.
Real estate sales & rentals and property management.
Wholesale distributor to hardware and equipment manufacturers.
Trade association management / consulting.
Operational excellence consulting.
our Group Facilitator has a wide range of experiences including:
Firsthand individual-contributor and management experience in nearly all phases of product commercialization.
Experience in diverse industries including consumer products, optical components, medical imaging and semiconductor manufacturing.
Firsthand leadership and management experience in project management, business start-ups, turnarounds, business sale and purchase, ownership transition and initial public offering.